Tuesday 30 June 2015


This is a call to the Japanese readers of this blog, I know there's plenty of you out there, many thanks for your visits!

I need to translate a few pages from Japanese to English, they contain important information related to some posts I'm working on for the future, so I need help: if you can translate from Japanese to English please get in touch with me at stereocandies [at] hotmail [dot] com or leave a comment in the box below, thank you so much!


  1. There are web-sites that translate languages. here's the one I use: http://imtranslator.net/translation/japanese/to-english/translation/

    1. Hi Timmy, thanks for your recurring comments and your help! I tried the website you suggested, but unfortuntely for such distant languages - such as Japanese and Chinese - I guess that only a human can come up with a translation that really makes sense. I truly hope that someone will stop by to offer his/her expertise sooner or later...

    2. Yes, the automatic translation software does not work well for Japanese -> western languages; the structures are so different, plus Japanese has a lot of implied things that do not translate - as well as levels of politeness that do not translate. I'm learning Japanese right now but unfortunately I would not be able to translate anything - my Japanese skills are still elementary at best.

      I will ask a few of my Japanese friends if they could do this in their spare time - I'll contact you at the address provided if they can (assuming you still need this?). Thanks also for such a great blog, I've learned a lot about great music from here!

  2. Any Help? I'm a Japanese guy. And a Music lover.

    1. Great! Candyman - here you go, Japanese guy above (salinasparadise-san) willing to translate! :)

      I love Japanese bands very, very much - looking forward to seeing what is coming up from Japan on this website...

    2. Hi Catman, thanks for your message!

      Yes, Salinas contacted me in mid-November offering help, I sent him some scans but unfortunately I still haven't heard back from him since then, maybe it's just a matter of time...

      So, basically yes, I STILL -->DESPERATELY<-- NEED HELP FOR TRANSLATIONS FROM JAPANESE TO ENGLISH, if you know someone who is willing to help then it would be great!!!


Be nice, keep it clean, stay on topic, no spam, thank you!!!